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legend of the border knight.

fortold as the cause of the fall of him and his horse. Impelled by fate, he follows her, and finding a golden bow and silver arrow, under the branches of the haunted oak tree (which she has gained) takes aim, and the doe falls dead at the foot of the fatal tree. In an instant the noble tree is shattered, and the aeriel voice is heard, calling the guardian spirit of the house of Leslie. Sir Jasper is doomed to wander, until at the river's ford, he shall see drinking a white stag. Still some say the shade of Sir Jasper Leslie is seen, and when the fallen leaves of Autumn are lying on the ground, the phantom voice is heard calling in the groves near by, and the glitter of his mail is seen in the bright moonlight."


HOW fast the lovely twilight gently fell
O'er the beauteous shades of Kenna's dell;
And shadows worthy of the haunted place,
Its deep and dim mysterious groves doth grace.
And gaunt and lonely, 'mid the haunted glade
A bleached dead oak tree stands within its shade.
Embowered there in ivy, wild and free,
Stands that mysterious old shattered tree,