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Rejoice, O Israel! God is on your side,
He is your champion, and your faithful guide;
By day, a cloud is to your footsteps given;
By night, a fiery column towers to heaven.

Then Israel's children marched by day and night,
Till Sinai's mountain rose upon their sight:
There righteous Heaven the flying army stayed,
And Israel's sons the high command obeyed.

To Sinai's mount the trembling people came,
'Twas wrapped in threatening clouds, in smoke, and flame;
A silent awe pervaded all the van;
Not e'en a murmur through the army ran.

High Sinai shook! dread thunders rent the air!
And horrid lightnings round its summit glare!
'Twas God's pavilion, and the black'ning clouds,
Dark hovering o'er, his dazzling glory shrouds.

To Heaven's dread court the intrepid leader came,
To receive its mandate in the people's name;
Loud trumpets peal—the awful thunders roll,
Transfixing terrors in each guilty soul.

But lo! He comes, arrayed in shining light,
And round his forehead plays a halo bright:
Heaven's high commands with trembling were received,
Heaven's high commands were heard, and were believed.