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There is a smile of bitter scorn,
Which curls the lip, which lights the eye;
There is a smile in beauty's morn,
Just rising o'er the midnight sky.

There is a smile of youthful joy,
When Hope's bright star 's the transient guest;
There is a smile of placid age,
Like sunset on the billow's breast.

There is a smile, the maniac's smile,
Which lights the void which reason leaves,
And, like the sunshine through a cloud,
Throws shadows o'er the song she weaves.

There is a smile of love, of hope,
Which shines a meteor through life's gloom;
And there's a smile, Religion's smile,
Which lights the weary to the tomb.

There is a smile, an angel's smile,
That sainted souls behind them leave;
There is a smile that shines through toil,
And warms the bosom though in grief;