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tection of the lords of the creation. As the sun of Religion arose upon the world, the dark clouds of contention arose with its light; arms were the arguments which were unanimously chosen to decide every controversy; the sword was the test of merit; and the hand which wielded it with the greatest dexterity was chosen to direct the community.

The youthful soldier, ardent and enthusiastic, was ever in. search of some object on which to display his valor; the fair sex at length caught and fixed his attention; tournaments and feats of arms were instituted to display his devotion to the cause of beauty and virtue in distress, and love and religion were blended; love became wildly romantic, religion was enthusiastically venerated; the name of woman was held sacred as that of religion; and both, as dear to the heart of every knight-errant as that of the idol, Honor! they were blended with each other; the passions held the reins, and religion, though contemplated with enthusiasm, was too often made to bow before the shrine of love and romance.