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1Beneath calm Cashmere's lovely vale, &c. "Cashmere, called the happy valley, the garden in perpetual spring, and the Paradise of India."

2The bulbul, with his lay of love, &c. "The Bulbul, or Nightingale."

3The gulnare blush'd a deeper hue, &c. "Gulnare, or Rose."

4The lofty plane-tree's haughty brow, &c. "The Plane-tree, that species termed Platanus orientalis, is commonly cultivated in Cashmere, where it is said to arrive at a greater perfection than in any other country, This tree, which in most parts of Asia is called the Chinur, grows to the size of an oak, and has a taper, straight trunk, with a silver-colored bark, and its leaf, not unlike an expanded hand, is of a pale green. When in full foliage it has a grand and beautiful appearance, and in hot weather affords a refreshing shade."—Foster.

5And wide the plantain's arms were spread, &c. "Plantain-trees are supposed to prevent the plague from visiting places where they are found in abundance."—Middleton's Geography.

6Knelt the once haughty Subahdar, &c. "Subahdar, or Governor."

7Since Amir Khan first blessed the hour, &c. "To the east of this delightful spot is a fortified palace, erected by Amir Kkan, a Persian, who was once Governor of Cashmere. He used to pass much of his time in this residence, which was curiously adapted to every species of Asiatic luxury." See Encyclopædia, vol. v. part 2.

8Through the long walks of tzinnar-trees, &c. "Their walks are curiously laid out, and set on both sides with tzinnar-trees, a species of poplar unknown in Europe. It grows to the height of a pine, and bears a fruit resembling the chestnut, and it has broad leaves like those of the vine."—Middleton's Geography.

9As it glides o'er the wave of the Wuller's stream, &c. "A beautiful river passes through Cashmere, called the Ouller, or Wuller. There is an outlet,