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One word, and every torch would fly;
No step was heard, nor feeblest sound,
Save the death raven's wing on high!
The sign was given, each blazing brand
Like lightning shot from every hand;
The crackling, sparkling fagots blazed,—
Then Montonoc his dark eye raised;
He whistled shrill—an answering call
Told that each foeman then should fall!
Sudden a band of warriors flew
From earth, as if from earth they grew.
The brake, the fern, and hazel-down,
Blazed brightly in the sinking sun;
Confusion, blood, and carnage then
Spread their broad pinions o'er the glen;
The blazing brands were quenched in blood,
And Montonoc unshackled stood!
He paused one moment—dark he frowned,
By dire revenge and slaughter crowned;
Then bent his bow, let loose the dart,
And pierced the foeman Chieftain's heart.
Yes, Montonoc, thy arrow sped,
For Hillis-ha-ad-joe is dead!

And now within their hidden tent,
The conquered make their sad lament;
Before them lay their slaughtered king,
While slowly round they form the ring;
Dread e'en in death, the Chieftain's form
Seemed made to stride the whirlwind storm;
Upon his brow a dreadful frown
Still lingered as the warrior's crown;