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Her little skiff she paddles o'er the lake,
And bids "the Daughter of the Voice," awake!
From hill to hill the shrieking echoes run,
To greet the rising and the setting sun.


The lake is calm, the sun is low,
The whippoorwill is chanting slow,
And scarce a leaf through the forest is seen
To wave in the breeze its rich mantle of green.
Fit emblem of a guiltless mind,
The glassy waters calmly lie;
Unruffled by a breath of wind,
Which o'er its shining breast may sigh!
The shadow of the forest there
Upon its bosom soft may rest;
The eagle-heights, which tower in air,
May cast their dark shades o'er its breast.

But hark! approaching paddles break
The stillness of that azure lake!
Swift o'er its surface glides the bark,
Like lightning's flash, like meteor spark
It seemed, as on the light skiff flew,
As it scarce kissed the wave's deep blue,
Which, dimpling round the vessel's side,
Sparkled and whirled. in eddies wide!

Who guides it through the yielding lake?