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"Too long has she lingered behind,
Awaiting the Great Spirit's voice!
But hark! it calls loud in the wind,
And Chicomico now will rejoice!

"I go to the land in the west:
The Great Spirit calls me away!
To the land of the just and the blest,
The Great Spirit points me the way!"

The wild notes sunk upon the gale,
And echo caught them not again!
For the breeze which bore the maiden's wail,
Wafted afar the last sad strain!

'Twas said, that shrieking 'mid the storm,
The maiden oft was seen to glide,
And oft the hunters marked her form,
As swift she darted through the tide.

And once along the calm lake shore,
Her light canoe was she seen to guide,
But the maid 4nd her bark are seen no more
To float along the rippling tide.

For the billows foamed, and the winds did roar,
And her lamp, as it glimmered amid the storm,
A moment blazed bright, and was seen no more,
For it sunk 'mid the waves with her maniac form!