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But who was this lone sleeper,
This lowly, slumbering frame—
Does memory recall no deed
To consecrate his name?

Is there no proud endeavor
From oblivion's waters cast;
No burst of intellectual lire
Snatched from the traceless past?

Thou cloud-enfolded forest,
Thou hast no answering tone!
The same sad silence reigns around—
Thy secret is thine own!

So rest, thou lonely sleeper,
From life's weary tempest- wave,
The solitary tenant of
A solitary grave!

Beautiful month! from its spirit-home,
Whence does the light of thy presence come?
I see it play on the changing leaf,
Like silent thoughts on the brow of grief;
And the pensive glance of thine azure skies
Is full of a thousand memories;
And the earth is sad with thy swift decline,
And my spirit is sad as the smile of thine!