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She has passed to a slumber too deep for the breath,
And the angel that watches her slumbers is death.

Then think of her not with so earthly a love,
As to wish her again in this dark world of care;
The voice of her Father has called her above,
To a love more divine, to a kindred more fair;
He will lift from the dust the sweet treasure he gave;
He hath ransomed the spirit, now free, from the grave.

They stood beside the sunlit stream that murmured by the door,
How many a joyous melody its little voice would pour
As wild and most untamably dashed on its slender tide,
Clad in the garments of a song, were song personified.

It hurried in the sunshine, yet loitered in the shade,
Pausing to hear the music its own mirthfulness had made: