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"O, Mightiest! from thy throne
Look down upon Thy mourning children here;
We come to render back to Thee Thine own,
To yield a spirit that we held most dear!
Bend from Thy throne, Holiest! to receive
The offering we bring unto Thee now;
Nothing more pure, more lovely, could we give—
Nothing more precious had we to bestow.
      Lord, take her! she is Thine;
                O, twine
A living laurel round her fadeless brow!

"Earth! open wide thy arms,
To fold in thine embrace the loveliest child
That ever sought thy bosom!—from the storms
That quiver o'er thy breast in terrors wild,
Protect her well! for she was kind and meek,
And loved the simplest flowers that perfume shed
Upon the morning breeze, and oft would seek
Their balmy breath to ease her dying head!
      Earth, take the gift we bring,
                And fling
Thy sweetest flowers upon her lowly bed!

"Ruler of heaven and earth!
Dispenser of all good! to Thee we come,
To yield a spirit of celestial birth.
Receive her to thy fold, her heavenly home!
She left a land of plenty, for the cold