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"Wallace! immortal Wallace! on thy name
Is cast the light of never-dying fame;
What though no marble o'er thy dust is placed,
Thy name in every freeman's heart is traced!
There be thy living monuments of fame,
There shines engraved the glory of thy name;
Ever to live divine! ever to be,
A watchword for the sons of liberty.

"From out the ceaseless silence reigning round,
Methinks I sometimes hear the battle-sound;
And from its mute inglorious life afar,
My spirit leaps to join the tide of war!
Oh! for the master-hand that bore me on!
Oh! for the light that on my pathway shone!
Both gone alike, lost with oblivion's wave;
Gone down forever to the silent grave!

"Not there forever will his spirit rest,
Who clasped the woes of Scotland to his breast;,
Whose owji brave heart received the blow prepared
Tor her, and who to die so nobly dared!
Still, when the light of freedom blazes far,
Shall his firm spirit lead the van of war,
And into each heart pour, what erst he poured,
Strength to the freeman—valor to the sword.

"I must be silent! seek no more to know;
It is not thine to hear—mine to bestow—