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So dearly bought! By precious blood
Of patriot heroes—sire and son—
And that of him, the pure and good,
   Our wearied, martyred One;

Who bore for us the heavy load—
The cross our hands upon him laid;
Who trod for us the toilsome road
   Meekly, yet undismayed!

And for that gift—although thy graves
Lie thick beneath December's snow,
Though every hamlet mourns its braves,
   And bears its weight of woe—

We bless thee! Yet, O bounteous year,
For more than Peace we thank thee now,
As bending o'er thine honored bier,
   We crown thy pallid brow!

We bless thee, though we scarcely dare
Give to our new-born joy a tongue;
O mighty Year, upon the air
   Thy voice triumphant rung,

Even in death! and at the sound,
From myriad limbs the fetters fell
Into the dim and vast profound,
   While tolled thy passing bell!

Farewell, farewell, thou storied Year!
Thou wondrous Year of joy and gloom!
With grateful hearts we crown thee, ere
   We lay thee in thy tomb!