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      But the Seer—
This dead Century lying here—
Rising out of this chaos, saw
Peace and Order and Love and Law!
Saw by what subtle alchemy
Basest of metals at length should be
Transmuted into the shining gold,
Meet for a king to have and hold.
      Ah! great Seer!
This pale Century lying here!


      So he taught
Honest freedom of speech and thought
Taught that Truth is the grandest thing
Painter can paint, or poet sing;
Taught that under the meanest guise
It marches to deeds of high emprise;
Treading the paths the prophets trod
Up to the very mount of God!
      Truth, he taught,
Claims full freedom of speech and thought.


      Bearing long
Heavy burdens of hate and wrong,
Still has the arm of the Century been
Waging war against crime and sin.
Still has he plead humanity's cause;
Still has he prayed for equal laws;