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Eagerly she raised her blue eyes, hovering smiles and tears between,
Then across the room she glided, and knelt down before the queen.

Lifting up the wicker cover, "Saints in heaven!" cried Ildegar,
"Here are tissues fit for angels, wrought with wreath and point and star,

"In most curious devices! Never saw I aught so rare—
Where found you these frail webs woven of the lightest summer air?"

"Well they may be fit for angels," said she, underneath her breath;
"O my lady, hear a story that is strange and true as death."

But ere yet the tale was ended, up rose good Queen Ildegar,
And she sent her knights and pages to the castle riding far.

"Bring me Hildebrand and Volmar, ere the sun goes down!" she cried,
"Ho! my ladies, for a wedding, and your queen shall bless the bride!

"I will buy these airy wonders, and this maiden in her hand
Shall a dowry hold as royal as the noblest in the land."

So they combed her shining tresses, and they brought her robes of silk,
Broidered thick with gold and silver, on a ground as white as milk.

But she whispered, "Sweetest ladies, let me wear my russet gown,
That I wore this happy morning walking blithely through the town.