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   But she, with matchless grace,
And a sweet smile upon her tear-wet face,
   Said, "Leave me here to sleep,
Where every Grief forgets at last to weep."

   What could we do but go?
We turned with slow, reluctant feet, but lo!
   The pearly door had closed,
Shutting us in where all the Griefs reposed.

   "Nay, go not back," she said;
"Retrace no steps. Go farther on instead."
   Then, on the other side,
On noiseless hinge another door swung wide,

   Through which we onward passed
Into a chamber lowlier than the last,
   But, oh! so sweet and calm
That the hushed air was like a holy psalm.

   "Chamber of Peace" was writ
Where the low vaulted roof arched over it.
   Then knew we Grief must cease
When sacred Silence leadeth unto Peace.