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The strange star went before them,
They followed where it led;
"'Twill guide us to His presence,"
Jasper, the holy, said.

They crossed deep-flowing rivers,
They climbed the mountains high,
They slept in dreary places
Under the lonely sky.

One day, where stretched the desert
Before them far and wide,
They saw a smoke-wreath curling
A spreading palm beside;

And from a lowly dwelling,
On household cares intent,
A woman gazed upon them,
In mute bewilderment.

"O come with us!?" cried Melchior,
And ardent Balthazar,
"We go to find the Christ-child,
Led by yon blazing star!

"Thou knowest how the prophets
His coming long foretold;
We go to kneel before Him
With gifts of myrrh and gold."

But she, delaying, answered,
"My lords, your words are good,
And I your pious mission
Have gladly understood,