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"He is not here, but risen!"
All her soul stood still;
Through her trembling pulses
Ran a conscious thrill.

"Mary!" said a low voice;
"Rabboni!" answered she.
Then life was brought to light
And immortality!

Mary Magdalene,
First of woman born
To see the clear light streaming
O'er the hills of morn;

First to hail the Lord Christ,
Conqueror of Death,
First to bow before Him
With abated breath;

First to hear the Master
Say—"From Death's dark prison,
From its bonds and fetters,
Lo! I have arisen!

"Now to God, my Father—
Mine and yours—I go;
And because I live
Ye shall live also!"

Didst thou grasp the meaning?
Know that Death was dead?
That the seed of woman
Had bruised the serpent's head?