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life's reverses.
A gran' Turkey carpet, sae bossy an' bricht,
Looked as though it would sink to feet never so licht,
Wi' its rich gleamin' scarlet spread warm ower the flair,
A saft velvet covered ilk sofa and chair;
The very wa' paper seemed fu' 0' sun-rays,
As the big fire flung roun' it the licht o' its blaze.
On this sofa twa matrons wi' head to head bent,
Had a crack tae themsels o' a likely event;
The ane was the hostess, the ither a frien',
Wha protested she felt muckle pleasure yestreen
Tae see their rich guest, the young artist an' squire,
Sae ta'en ap wi' Clara, wham a' maun admire—
He would be sic a gran' an' desirable match
Whom sae many mamma's trigged their dauchters to catch.
Round that table a party sat silent, yet thrang
At the cards they were pushin' the moment's alang;
Whilst halflins reclined on a saft crimson seat,
Wi' a footstool supportin' her silk slippered feet,
Leaned Miss Clara, as absent as ane in a trance,
Sae engrossed ower the page o' a thrilling romance.
How the tokens o' sympathy maist dimmed her sight
As the ideal heroine's waes cam to licht;
But when John stood respectfu', and waited a wee,
Till up frae the novel she lifted her e'e,
An' delivered the true child o' suff'rin's request,
Naucht but sense o' annoyance awoke in her breast,
As wi' indolent movement an' look a' displeased,
Quo she, "You know, John, we are not to be teased;