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the seasons.
The hamlet's happy little ones at guileless sports behold,
As light winds wanton with their locks of dark, and fair, and gold.
Near yonder leafy copse appear two wanderers from the rest,
Who hand in hand have scampered off, of fairest flowers in quest;
The foliage waves—within the dell the tiny wanderers pass,
Where floral gems of many a hue peep from the fresh green grass.

The primrose, matron-like, appears, midst fair unfolding brood,
Up-gazing from their soft green leaves to see whose feet intrude
And smiling on the raptured pair, who gaze delighted round,
And clap their little hands in glee o'er each sweet treasure found.
The violet with its fragrant breath, and robe intensely blue,
Gleams brilliantly from every shade, still pearled with glittering dew.
But with their treasure of wild gems, an aggregated store,
We see them from the dell emerge in the broad beams once more;