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the reply.

All I can give, all I can claim,
Is friendship's dear and lasting name.

Forget what I have ever been,
In thy love's dreamy hour;
Oh! would that I could have foreseen,
My all unwitting power:
For, oh! it gives me untold pain,
To know thou lov'st, yet love in vain.

For love can never more be mine,
My passion's hour is gone;
But had I loved a heart like thine,
I ne'er had sorrow known:
My heart is all unfit for thee—
Nought but a blighted, withered tree.

Time soon will bring again to thee,
A balm for present pain;
And thou wilt cease to think of me,
And learn to love again:
For I would live, and hope to see
Another's heart rejoice in thee.