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Glen-Echo Home.
God's blessing rest upon ye both,
My merry-hearted sons,
And by His Spirit may ye say,
"Our Father's will be done"—
And be our lot through weal or woe
While here on earth we roam,
We'll be a happy family
When Christ shall lead us home.

I'M thinking of a cottage
In a green and quiet dell,
Its stone brown walls and lowly roof
Encircled by a spell;
Of the porch wherein we sat to watch
The evening's gathering gloom,
Of the woodbine o'er the cottage door,
Of our Glen-Echo Home.

I'm listening to the murmur
Of the lovely little stream,
That dances smilingly to meet
The sun's caressing beam—
The stream upon whose grassy banks
We loved so well to roam,
Discerning nature's freshest charms
In our Glen-Echo Home.