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The Little Empty Carriage.
At ancient Cana's marriage feast,
Was wrought the miracle of love,
By the gracious Saviour-guest,
His goodness and His power to prove—
Be His, to-day, the crowning gift,
Which he to wedded hearts has given,
Two souls as one, in love uplift,
And bathe in beams of light from heaven,
So making life, with sunny ray,
One glorious silver wedding-day.

I KNOW a little carriage,
With lining soft and warm,
With dainty covering to protect
Its inmate from all harm:
With wheels that o'er the matted floor.
Or on the grassy street,
When guided by a loving hand,
Gave sound of music sweet—
Gave sound of music to the ear,
And gladness to the heart
Of those, who called its owner dear,
In life their sweetest part.