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The Old Blue Coat.
Linger then lovingly o'er the old coat!
Cherish the visions that over it float!
Many a weary heart, ceasing to beat,
Silently claims it as winding sheet;
Peacefully resting, his life's battles done,
Conquered his last foe, his victory won;
Haply, while weeping ones mourn him as dead,
Angels, rejoicing, wreathe crowns for his head,
Cleansing all vestige of earth-bounded strife,
Robing the spirit for heavenly life.

Reverence pay to the garment which bears
Kinship so close to the loved stripes and stars!
Emblems alike of a roused nation's might,
Joined in the conflict for freedom and right,
Faltering never at duty's command;
Victory smiling, with laurels in hand,
Beckoned both onward, the tattered and brave,
Onward, the life of the country to save.
Planting then firmly the banner which holds
Freedom to all men, inscribed in its folds,
Proudly while o'er us the bright colors float,
Honored and loved be the old blue coat.

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