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The Arab's Grave.
Shine gorgeously, shine gloriously,
Ye sunset clouds of even,
And fling your golden seas of light,
Far-rippling from God's heaven;
Let waves of colour dash each grave,
And lift it from its gloom;
If only transient be the spell
That lights an Arab's tomb;
      Shine gorgeous, gloriously.

Look peacefully, ye stars above,
Drop pity from your rays,
And keep bright watch from yon blue heights,
As on these mounds ye gaze.
And thou, clear moon, thy crescent wear
Above this darkling gloom;
Bright ensign of unclouded faith,
To gild the meanest tomb.
      Watch peaceful, peacefully.

Look tenderly, look pitiful,
Ye strangers when ye come,
Nor gentle sympathy withhold
From this an Arab's tomb;