Page:Poems Eliza Gabriella Lewis.djvu/108

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miscellaneous poems.
Joyfully I've bailed thy coming,
By the prairie's spreading plain,
Or where southern roses blossom,
Charmed by thy magic strain.

Com'st thou to me in the silence
Of my snow-clad home to cheer,
Dost thou bear a message to me
From the friend beloved and dear?

Welcome—for a leaf, sweet wand'rer,
Thou hast plucked and borne, to me
Bringing many a thought of gladness
'Mid a dream of melody.

Breathe but those words, "beloved come,"
And, as the pilgrim to his shrine,
The wild bird to its nest;
So will my willing spirit greet
Those words so welcome and so sweet,
And seek with thee to rest.