Page:Poems Eliza Gabriella Lewis.djvu/143

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miscellaneous poems.
Conspicuous shone; for there, luxuriant fields
A wealthy harvest to the farmer yields,
And shady groves, with cooling streams unite
To temper with their freshness Heaven's warm light.
Fruits, flowerets, herbs profusely scattered o'er
Bade e'en the savage, Nature's God adore—
To lowly bow, and 'neath each shady bower
By nature softened, own a higher power.
Creation's beauties filling every sense,
He asks the cause, and owns th' Omnipotence.

And I was blest! my child—our only one—
Sought my caress at eve, when toil was done;
Whilst my own Mary dressed the cleanly board
With wholesome food, and fruits delicious stored.
Each Sabbath morn, at the first dawn of day,
By the pure light we rose, for we could pray
To the blessed giver of content, as well
'Neath the wide Heavens as by the chapel bell.
The grateful heart a response still may find
In the fair fields—or breathing on the wind.