Page:Poems Eliza Gabriella Lewis.djvu/155

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miscellaneous poems.
Away to the battle—the foe onward pour—
Away, my fleet courser, I ne'er needed more
Thy speed and thy courage—on, on to the fight;
One glance, at the onset, were worth a whole life.

"Oh! stay thy fleet steed," said a voice in his ear,
"A foe is approaching—his footsteps are near;
Not low on the gory-stained field thou wilt lie;
Oh, warrior, prepare thee! this moment thou'lt die,"

The warrior he started—and, lo! at his side,
In loose sable garment, a horseman did ride;
No weapon displayed he—no word did he speak,
Yet the red color blanched on the warrior's cheek.

His eyes on the knight he so steadily turned,
Like bright glowing coals, in their sockets they burn'd;