Page:Poems Eliza Gabriella Lewis.djvu/158

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miscellaneous poems.
No light, save from the moonbeam's ray,
Upon the casement streams;
The flame hath to the socket burnt,
The gentle lady dreams.

Not then so darkly was it wont
On former eves to be;
Bright lights, then, from the casement stream 'd,
And merry minstrelsy.

And gallant knights within that hall,
Sighed for a smiling glance
From her, the loveliest in the land,
The royal dame of France.

But now she rests in captive thrall,
Fair Scotia's beauteous queen;
A brighter gem hath never beam'd
In diadem, I ween.

Oh! shame on Scotland's chivalry,
On Britain's nobles, shame;
Why rest their scabbards on the blade,
When weeps so fair a dame?