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the outlaw.
furious gesture, held his dagger to my bosom; then Oscar tore him from me and thus said:—'Twere poor revenge to murder her, my friend; a lingering life of dose imprisonment will cure the lady's fancies. That same night I was immured here. I fear him, good Amelia; haste to my brother's lurking place, and bring him tidings of coming danger; I will keep watch at yonder casement.
[Exit Amelia. Lady Isabella advances to the window.
In yonder sky the heavy clouds
Are driven before the conquering wind;
And each bright star comes trembling into sight,
Fair as when first I gazed upon their light;
But the dark clouds of sorrow that o'ershade
My wearied soul—oh! never can they flee,
Since the bright sun of my existence set!

Enter Amelia.

Ame. Thy brother says, dear lady, fear not for him; he will be with you in one moment's time. Hark! 'tis his step.