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the outlaw.
1st Cit. Aye if he has a neck to hold the rope,
His fate is certain. To-day, at twelve o'clock,
His pranks are ended.
2nd Cit. Hark! 'tis the time;
I hear the coming crowd. Stand back
And let us both look on the show.

Enter Crowd, Soldiers, &c.

Oscar with a rope round his neck.

1st Cit. A villanous countenance!
2nd Cit. A most bloody one!
1st Cit. So wags the world! One day at liberty,
The next, caught like an ape, with noose about the neck.
Heaven! should we prove so tight a neck cloth——
2nd Cit. Thou'rt safe, my friend;
Heaven, in forming thee, forgot the neck.
Thou'lt live to good old age
If apoplexy does not catch thee napping.
1st Cit. Truly, friend, you need not mock my goodly size,