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the outlaw.
Hath struck terror into the bosom of the brave?
Whose name, a bug-bear with which mothers
Fright their babes lo slumber?
Look at me once again; I am lord Oscar!
Perhaps some here may know me.—
Are there none, none of my towns-men present?
I do beseech thee to release me, Duke.
Duke. Away, most wretched man!
Thou dost abuse mine ear with thy false tale:
The lord Alberto's dead!
Off to his doom with the vile slave!
[Oscar is hurried off.

SCENE IV.—View of the Castle.

Enter Lady Isabella and Helvitio.

Lady Isabela. What madness prompted thee, Helvitio, to this spot?
I tremble, lest the much-abused law
Should seize thee in thy sister's arms.
Helvitio. No, trembler, no: Helvitio's safe!
The Bandit chief hath met at last his doom.—