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The "Up to the Minute" Girl
The dear little ladies of long ago,
With well ordered lives, moving quietly,
Would hold up their hands in horror, I know
If they their great-grand-daughters now could see.
With frills at their wrist and silken gown,
With gentle manners and unknown frown,
With parted hair and smoothed-out curl,
They would stand aghast at the modern girl.
For they of the old time could "converse,"
And would be at a loss at the new girl's terse
"I should worry," "Now listen," and "I don't care!"
They would worry and listen and sure beware
Of such "bold young misses" and "so impolite,"
And banish them quickly out of their sight.

For the modern girl can talk and dance,
And knows how her every charm to enhance,
But for mending and brewing and baking bread—
She can only fudge manufacture instead.
At the old-time rolls and the old-time pies
She would gaze in a mute and great surprise,
Or if she spoke, it would only be
From those scarlet lips the one word "Gee!"
To nourishing meals she gives no thought,
For "Delicatessen" can be bought.