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sachem's hill.
But in the land of spirits the Indian has a place.
And there, 'midst saints and angels, he sees his Maker's face:
There from all earthly passions his heart may be refined,
And the mists that once enshrouded, be lifted from his mind.

And should his free-born spirit descend again to earth,
And here, unseen, revisit the spot that gave him birth,
Would not his altered nature rejoice with rapture high
At the changed and glorious prospect that now would meet his eye?

Where nodded pathless forests, there now are stately domes;
Where hungry wolves were prowling, are quiet, happy homes;
Where rose the savage war-whoop, is heard sweet village bells,
And many a gleaming spire, of faith in Jesus tells.

And he feels his soul is changed—'t is there a vision glows
Of more surpassing beauty than earthly scenes disclose;
For the heart that felt revenge, with boundless love is filled,
And the restless tide of passion to a holy calm is stilled.

Here to my mental vision the Indian chief appears,
And all my eager questions fancy believes he hears.
Oh speak! thou unseen being, and the mighty secrets tell
Of the land of deathless glories, where the departed dwell.