A limb of the law awaits you, my dear;
Citations and briefs without number appear;
How enviable is indeed your fate,—
An upright lawyer, pillar of the state!
Citations and briefs without number appear;
How enviable is indeed your fate,—
An upright lawyer, pillar of the state!
Ah! rail not at woman; in vain you declare
Your utter indifference, and laugh at the fair;
You pretend to despise what you cannot obtain,
And scoffers deserve what they meet with,—disdain,
Persevere in this folly, and know that your fate
Will be bitter repentance,—repentance too late.
Your utter indifference, and laugh at the fair;
You pretend to despise what you cannot obtain,
And scoffers deserve what they meet with,—disdain,
Persevere in this folly, and know that your fate
Will be bitter repentance,—repentance too late.