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She proved her perversity ere we'd gone far.
In a nice, big mud puddle, soft and wet,
Our REO sat down to admire the view;
She was just like a naughty child in a pet,
And would do not a thing that we wished her to do.

Her good, patient master circled about,
With a glance inside and a magic pat
Here and there, then a moment of troubled doubt,
And now it was this tool and now it was that.
Then some gasoline was poured somewhere inside,
And a bolt unscrewed and a great noise made,
And some dark blue grease was—somewhere applied,
And some coaxing more, but she still delayed.

It was raining hard, and our handsome host,—
So pick and span at the starting hour,
That indeed we had been inclined to boast
Of the style of our millionaire chauffeur,—
Was a sight to behold! his cap flung by
And his hair, all rumpled and wet with rain,
Hung in straight, blond strands over either eye,
And his hands!—would they ever be clean again?