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But these small flowerets I have tended long,
And watched them turn from bud to blossom fair,
And offer perfumes for my faithful care.

They freely give the world their utmost store,
Smiling, and grieve not that it is not more.
What matter to them that God's tender love
Has decked the rose more richly. From above
They, too, have fallen from His lavish hand,
To gladden earth and smile at His command.
I love these little Pinks! Each sunset tone
Some petal's edge has captured for its own.
Some opal-tinted cloud has left a trace
Upon each upturned, coaxing, tender face,
Some lazy zephyr, from the golden South,
Has kissed, with spicy breath, each loving mouth.
All the best elements of earth and air
Combine to make this little flower so fair.
And so this offering I can dare to bring
The poet, who is greater than a king.