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Old year, to you I'll say 'good-bye'
Without regret, without a sigh!
You brought me gifts in lavish store,
But oh! you brought me sorrows more!
You came on tip-toe to my bed,
And kissed my sleeping eyes, and fed
My soul on promises of gold,
That now are tarnished, dim and old.

I laughed with joy to find you there,
With violets fresh and love words fair,—
The violets were of somber hue,
The love words false,—as false as you!
I gather all your gifts to-night,—
The loss of love, ambition's blight,
The death of faith in one held dear,—
The waxen face upon the bier.

The silence in an aching heart
Of prattling tongues,—life's sweetest part,
The struggle and the pain and wrong,