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      Thou camest in a dream,—
So sudden taken from my life that now
'Mid all Earth's strangeness, it would strangest seem
To feel thy hand meet mine in greeting,—Thou
That clasped it once so close! but seas have swept
Between us, silken Spring-times have unrolled
Their bursting green, wild Autumns shaken gold
Upon our paths, since last I looked on thee;
And on our Life's great organ suddenly
Have keys gone silent, whence the music rolled
In blissful waves; but still through manifold
Swift change and dreary pause our hearts have kept
(Like quiet watchers left in peace to hold
A tryst with Thought, while others deemed they slept)
The steadfast secret of our Love untold.

      Together and alone
We stood: they have not loved who have not known
What meaning lies in those two words—alone,
      Together and alone!

      And ever went a dash
Of tinkling, chiming waters through my dream,