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February 1861.



GOOD WORDS for 1860. Edited by Norman Macleod, D.D ., and Illustrated with 102 Wood Engravings. In one Elegant Volume, 7s. 6d . [This Day.

THE NEAR AND HEAVENLY HORIZONS. By Madame de Gasparin. Post Octavo, price 7s. 6d., cloth.[This Day.

THE GOLD THREAD; A Story-Book for the Young. By Norman Macleod, D.D. In Square Crown, Cloth and Gold, with Fine Illustrations, 5s. [This Day.

FROM DEATH TO LIFE; Or, Bible Records of Remarkable Conversions. By the Rev. Adolph Saphir, South Shields. Post Octavo, price 63., cloth. [This Bay.

POEMS. By the Author of "The Patience of Hope." In Foolscap 8vo, 6s., cloth. [This Day.

THE RESTORATION OF THE JEWS: The History, Principles, and Bearings of the Question. By David Brown, D. D., Professor of Theology, Free Church College, Aberdeen, and Author of "The Second Advent," &c. In Crown 8vo, 6s., cloth. [This Day.


SixthThousand—FORTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE OF SUNDAY SCHOOLS. By Stephen H. Tyng, D.D., New York. In neat cloth, Is Gd.

Second Thousand.—CHRISTIAN BELIEVING AND LIVING. By F. D. Huntingdon, D.D., Crown Octavo, 4s 6d.

Seventh Hiousand—THE NEW LIFE. By Horace Bushnell, D.D. Crown Octavo, 4s. 6d. Cheap Edition,

Second Edition—THE PATIENCE OF HOPE, By the Author of "A Present Heaven." Foolscap Octavo, 2s. 6d.

Sixty-Seventh Thousand.—THE POWER OF PRAYER. By the Rev. Dr. Prime. Fine Edition, 2s. Cheap Edition, 1s.

Twenty-Fifth Thousand.—BLIND BARTIMEUS. By the Rev. W. J. Hoge. Cheap Edition, 1s. Fine Edition, 2s. 6d .

Thirtieth Thousand.—LIFE THOUGHTS. By Henry Ward Beecher. Cheap Edition, 2s. Fine Edition, 7s. 6d .

Fourth Thousand.—PREVAILING PRAYER. With Introduction by the Rev. Norman Macleod, D.D. Neat cloth, red edges. Is. 6d .

Nineteenth Thousand.—THE HIGHER CHRISTIAN LIFE. By the Rev. W. E. Boardman. Neat cloth. 1s. 6d.

Fifth Thousand.—GOD IN THE DWELLING. By the Rev. Dudley A. Tyng. Neat cloth, 1s.

Sixth Thousand.—SUMMER IN THE SOUL. By Henry Ward Beecher. Cloth extra, antique, red edges 2s. 6d.

Second Thousand.—TEN YEARS' OF A PREACHER'S LIFE. By the Rev. W. H. Milburn. Small Crown Octavo, 4s. 6d.

Ninth Thousand.—THE WAY HOME. By the Rev. Charles Bullock. Neat cloth, 1s. 6d.

Fifteenth Thousand.—THE STILL HOUR. By Austin Phelps, D.D. Cheap Edition, 6d. Fine Edition, 1s.

THE RISE AND PROGRESS OF THE DUTCH REPUBLIC. By John Lothrof Motley. 2 vols. 10s. 6d.