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emilie plater.
Before thy slender arm I see
The bearded Cossack reel and fall!
I hear thy voice, bold, clear, and free,
In charging cry and rallying call!

The young Pole hears it,—through his heart
There leaps a stronger, wilder life!
Again his eyes fierce lightnings dart,
Again he plunges in the strife!

The veteran, whose life is poured
Through countless wounds upon the plain,
Hears it, and grasps his dripping sword,
To strike for Poland once again!

O Heaven, and this was all in vain!
And, matchless maiden, it was thine
To carnage, pillage, and the chain
Thy dear, lost country to resign!

Was it for this from girlish days
Thy gentle frame thou hadst inured
To midnight chill, and noontide blaze,
And all a soldier's toils endured?