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             On their ears
Now stole the deep tones of the vesper bell,
As mournfully as if it had been tolled
For some dear friend. It woke them from their trance
Of paralyzing grief, it pealed and rang
Far through the echoing chambers of their souls,
And told them with its mocking cadences
That 'twas the hour, the moment, they must part.
All silently, but for one death-like groan,
He strained her to his bosom, on her brow
He breathed his passion-kisses till it seemed
As if each trembling blood-drop in her frame
Rushed up to share the maddening embrace—
Then with one low, deep, passionate farewell,
That sounded as if uttered by his soul
Through still, unbreathing lips, they parted.

Pale, faint, and weak, with faltering footsteps sought
Her chamber's silent solitude, to pour
Her sad soul forth in earnest prayer to God