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Your shining forms and twine them round her brow;
A band of glorious jewels. Now she comes
Wiser, but oh, less happy, bent in soul
And crushed in hope, to weep her griefs away
Beneath your pitying beams. Her proud soul chafes
And struggles in its earthly pilgrimage;
Her weary feet and panting heart would rest
To-night, and she would muse on dear old joys
That lent their glow, their spirit-thrilling dreams,
Their wild, ideal spell of witchery,
To years that cannot come again, and scenes
She never can see more.

             Nay, now her heart
Again grows young and gentle, as it thrills
Delightedly beneath your beautiful
And holy spell, as ocean thrills and heaves
To the young moon in heaven. Again she dreams,
And years and sorrows vanish from her life,
And leave her in her pure and innocent
And joyous childhood. Once again she treads