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And thou wilt sigh within thy breast, to wear the crystal gem,
More precious far than ever shone in monarch's diadem.

A jeweled crown is on thy brow, a princely court is thine,
And many a glad and gushing heart bends willing at thy shrine.
Be it,amid an angel's court, to thy rapt spirit given,
To wear the Christian's coronet, the star-gemmed crown of heaven.

I linger on the threshold yet;
I cannot breathe the farewell tone.
A spell of sad, though sweet regret,
Is o'er this parting moment thrown.
Home! home! thou dearest spot of all
Earth's weary wanderers love so well,
As I thy vanished hours recall,
What varied thoughts within me swell!

Here first in joy my footsteps pressed
A spot I fondly called my own.
Here friendship's tones my heart have blessed,
Nor hate its seeds of discord sown.