Could we a sweeter tribute bring
Than this, blest nature's offering?
For Love in silent beauty dwells
Deep in the floweret's fragrant cells.
Than this, blest nature's offering?
For Love in silent beauty dwells
Deep in the floweret's fragrant cells.
Of changeless truth their fragrance breathes,
Hope with their hues her radiance wreathes,
And Faith grows holier and more bright,
Reflected from their sunny light.
Hope with their hues her radiance wreathes,
And Faith grows holier and more bright,
Reflected from their sunny light.
Then take our simple gift. Be not
The hearts which prompt that gift forgot,
But still, as future years return,
Let Love's pure flame yet brighter burn.
The hearts which prompt that gift forgot,
But still, as future years return,
Let Love's pure flame yet brighter burn.
And when upon that shore we stand,
The Christian's holy "better land,"
Flowers never touched by earth's cold blight
Shall bloom eternal, fadeless, bright.
The Christian's holy "better land,"
Flowers never touched by earth's cold blight
Shall bloom eternal, fadeless, bright.