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O thou Eternal Source of every good!
Whose eye surveys creation's utmost bound,
Whose piercing glance my secret soul can read,
And mark the errors that are lurking there,
How shall I seek Thy face, how raise to Thee
The imperfect thoughts by worldly care debased?
How purify those thoughts, and make them meet
With Thee, Supreme Perfection, to commune?
Nothing is from Thy searching glances hid;
And ere my thoughts are known unto myself,
Thou, God, canst understand each secret wish,
Each aspiration for eternal truth,
Each groveling hope to earthly things confined.

How can imperfect mortals comprehend
Eternal Wisdom? How can sinful man
Aspire to hold communion with the God
Most Mighty and Most Good? Vainly our minds
Desire to penetrate Thy Wisdom's spring,
Hidden from mortal eye, but clear and bright
To Him who first created earth and heaven.
Our minds, though heaven-illumined, cannot grasp
Such knowledge. I would flee thy presence dread,
And seek a spot to Thy pure gaze unknown.

I may not enter heaven; for there thy glance
Would overwhelm my spirit. Could I bear