A vast eternity passed near to Thee.
There shall no clouds of sin my sight obstruct,
Nor mist of error veil thy face from me:
There shall I see that face, there taste the bliss,
The joys of heaven. Father! enthroned on high!
O! search my heart. Hush each unholy thought.
Quell the fierce storm of anger. Make my soul
Humble and grateful to its Gracious Source.
Fill it with holy hope and perfect faith
In Thy decrees. Let no repining thought
Escape the lips enkindled at Thy shrine,
With the pure flame of love. Let perfect love,
Greater than hope or faith, my bosom fill,—
Love for the-human race.
There shall no clouds of sin my sight obstruct,
Nor mist of error veil thy face from me:
There shall I see that face, there taste the bliss,
The joys of heaven. Father! enthroned on high!
O! search my heart. Hush each unholy thought.
Quell the fierce storm of anger. Make my soul
Humble and grateful to its Gracious Source.
Fill it with holy hope and perfect faith
In Thy decrees. Let no repining thought
Escape the lips enkindled at Thy shrine,
With the pure flame of love. Let perfect love,
Greater than hope or faith, my bosom fill,—
Love for the-human race.
And O! when death
Shall set his icy seal upon my brow,
And earth, with all its scenes, fades from my view,
Grant me Thy changeless light, the light of truth,
That points my soul to realms of endless day.
There shall that soul, from earthly care set free,
Breathe forth to Thee its speechless gratitude.
Shall set his icy seal upon my brow,
And earth, with all its scenes, fades from my view,
Grant me Thy changeless light, the light of truth,
That points my soul to realms of endless day.
There shall that soul, from earthly care set free,
Breathe forth to Thee its speechless gratitude.