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where the spirit of the lord is, etc.
Where'er in Nature's wide domain one step her soil may press,
A soul unawed for truth to plead, the injured to redress,
Him dost Thou own thy worshiper, he waits before thy shrine;
On him the Spirit of the Lord sheds down its light divine.

Thee we invoke, thou Power Supreme! the God of liberty!
Strength of the weak, in doubt our Guide, Great Father of the free!
On this most hallowed day we bend in worship at Thy throne,—
A nation suppliant at Thy feet, their father's God to own.

For the rich sunlight of our lot our gratitude we raise,
And for the shadow and the storm, O! be our tribute praise:
Even as erst through the parted waves that ancient race was led,
So may our trusting feet, unharmed, the billowy waters tread.

Though sad the lesson be which Thou, in Thy deep love hast given,
O! may the might of its dread power peace win for us, and heaven.
And as in brighter days, our souls were wont to stray from Thee,
Now may we seek that priceless pearl, Thy favor full and free.