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There's a thankfulness even in breathing
His wholesome and glorious air,
And a world of sublimity wreathing
A patient endurance and care;
If thankful of naught but that others
May not have been stricken as you—
A magnanimous thankfulness, brothers,
That will reach up to Heaven so true.
No home but has something to mar it,
No life that is free from all pain;
And paths may be darkened or star-lit—
The trail of the serpent will stain.
Then thank God for all, and still trusting,
Remember the poor in our midst,
For while they, their sad lives are adjusting,
He may do with thee just as thou didst.
If thy larder is well filled, or meager,
Oh, thankfully give up a share;
He is wistfully watching, so eager
To return measure for measure, with care.
No truer and better thanksgiving
May be offered, than gifts well bestowed
On the needy and desolate, living
In gloom on life's wearisome road.
Then to each a joyful thanksgiving,
May all boards be well filled to-day;
And all be the better for giving,
And reading this Thanksgiving lay.
