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From the sheen of her satin-like hair.
While over all, like a fairy dream,
Shall linger the soft summer air.
Ho! Comus, make merry, and lend us your art
To gild all the joys of the hour,
Bid cankering care make haste and depart,
Ere the dew-drop shall rest on the flower.
To gentle Melpomene, a gracious adieu,
Who has guided the pen for this hour,
While with heart all intense, and smiles we renew
And welcome the century with power.

"Tis a little thing to give a cup of water"
So it hath been said, but better still
When hearts do thirst, are simple kindly words
That touch the chords their own sweet will,
And echo back in silent strains of song
A gentle sympathy—a music all their own,
That tells of gladness when the days are long
And weary, for each must walk alone
His path, tho' his were not to choose.
All ways are God's through dark or light,
And just as loving mother woos
Her babe and hopes, so lifts the night.
